No:584/22, Press release on the visit of the delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fariz Rzayev to Washington

On December 11-13, 2022, the delegation headed by the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Fariz Rzayev visited Washington.


On December 11, the deputy minister took part in the conference "Middle corridor: connecting economies through ports and air freight connectivity" organized in Baltimore, and spoke about the growing role of our country in this important project.


On December 12, the Deputy Minister took part in the meeting dedicated to the Commemoration Day of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev at the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Washington, and shared his thoughts about the great leader.


On December 13, the delegation met with the staff of the US Congress. During the meeting, the deputy minister gave detailed information about the processes in the South Caucasus, the progress of the negotiations on the preparation of the peace agreement between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the large-scale projects implemented in the region, and answered numerous questions of the opposite side.


Within the framework of the visit, the delegation also participated in the ceremony organized in the Congress on the occasion of the retirement of Congressman Steve Chabot, who closely cooperates with our country.


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