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Press release 27 October 2022

No:496/22, Press release on the meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov with the Heads of Diplomatic Missions of the European Union (EU) Member States to the Republic of Azerbaijan

On October 26, 2022, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan Jeyhun Bayramov met with the Heads of the Diplomatic Missions of the European Union (EU) Member States to the Republic of Azerbaijan.


At the meeting, exchange of views took place on current cooperation agenda between Azerbaijan and the EU in political, economic, energy, investment, education and other fields, as well as on the current situation in the region.


Minister Jeyhun Bayramov spoke about Azerbaijan's role in the economic field, especially in ensuring Europe's energy security and diversification of energy supply. In this regard, the importance of signing the Memorandum of Understanding on July 18, 2022, which envisages the doubling of gas transport to the EU, as well as the expansion of cooperation in the development of alternative energy sources was emphasized. It was brought to attention that there is a wide energy potential in the territories liberated from occupation and that Azerbaijan has implemented a number of projects for the effective use of this potential.


Talking about the cooperation between Azerbaijan and the EU in the field of investments, Minister Jeyhun Bayramov mentioned that Azerbaijan, as one of the first countries that promotes investments, is always committed to its obligations stipulated in the agreements signed in this regard.


Minister Jeyhun Bayramov stated that the current trade turnover between Azerbaijan and the EU is satisfactory, and there are opportunities to further increase the turnover.


Minister Jeyhun Bayramov noted the importance of Azerbaijan's position in the East-West Transport Corridor, including the projects implemented in this direction. In this regard, it was brought to attention that the steps taken by Azerbaijan in the direction of opening communications in the region, including the launch of the Zangezur Corridor, face the non-constructive position of Armenia.


Minister Jeyhun Bayramov also informed the participants of the meeting in detail about the new realities that have emerged in the region in the post-conflict period, about the steps taken by Azerbaijan towards the normalization of relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, the signing of a peace treaty, and the reintegration of the Armenian population living in the region, as well as the threat of landmines and the provocations of Armenia that undermine the peace process.


Speaking later, the Head of the EU Delegation to Azerbaijan, Ambassador Peter Michalko, thanked for such conditions created for the discussion of cooperation opportunities between Azerbaijan and the EU, as well as the situation in the region. Peter Michalko said that high-level contacts play an important role in the development of cooperation. In this regard, confidence was expressed that the soonest finalization of the new draft Agreement between Azerbaijan and the European Union would make an important contribution to the further development of relations.



Later, Minister answered numerous questions of the Heads of Diplomatic Missions of the EU Member States to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

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