No:278/22, Information of the Press Service Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the event and exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

On June 9, 2022, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan hosted an event and exhibition on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.


The event was attended by the leadership of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the leadership and staff of the Embassy of Turkmenistan in the Republic of Azerbaijan.


The event began with the national anthems of both countries.


Speaking at the event, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Khalaf Khalafov noted that for 30 years the two countries have come a long way of development. Noting the dynamic development of bilateral relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, including regional and international cooperation, the Deputy Minister said that mutual trust and respect between the two countries is a key factor in this regard. Noting with satisfaction the existence of strategic partnership between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan, Deputy Foreign Minister Khalaf Khalafov stressed the importance of a broad international legal framework between the two countries, which provides development in various fields, including political, economic, trade and energy. The Deputy Minister said that the joint development of hydrocarbon resources of the “Dostlug” field in the Caspian Sea is another example of friendly and fraternal relations between the two countries.


Speaking later, Turkmen Ambassador to Azerbaijan Mekan Ishanguliyev said that Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan are united by historical, cultural ties and values. Noting that the relations between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan have a new content, the Ambassador stressed that these relations are reflected in the political, economic, as well as cultural and humanitarian spheres. The Ambassador noted that large-scale projects of regional and international significance with the participation of the two countries are an indicator of the rapid development of cooperation between Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Noting that the next new stage in the organization of joint projects between the two fraternal countries is the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of Turkmenistan and the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the joint exploration, development and exploitation of the hydrocarbon resources of the “Dostlug” field in the Caspian Sea, Ambassador Mekan Ishanguliyev stressed that this is of particular importance.


At the end of the event, the participants got acquainted with the exhibition dedicated to the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan.

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