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Press release 27 January 2017

No: 13/17, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov received Ibrahim Rahimpur, Deputy Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran

At the meeting, the current level of relations between Azerbaijan and Iran was noted with satisfaction. İnterlocutors expressed their conviction in further successful development of cooperation pursuant to the will of the leadership of two countries.

Minister Elmar Mammadyarov mentioned that the meetings at the level of Heads of State, high-level mutual visits, activity of intergovernmental commission, people to people contacts play an important role in the development of comprehensive cooperation between Azerbaijan and Iran.

The importance of the 48th meeting of Special Working Group at the level of deputy foreign ministers of the Caspian littoral states on the preparation of convention on legal status of the Caspian Sea is being held in Baku on 25-26 January was also noted. It was mentioned that the discussions at the meeting will make a substantial contribution to the efforts on preparation of the convention on legal status of the Caspian Sea.

In the meantime, discussions were held on the issues of development of the transport corridors connecting the two countries, including the North-South railway.

They also stressed that the cooperation of Azerbaijan-Iran-Türkiye in trilateral format contributes to ensuring the peace, stability and prosperity in the region.

Deputy Foreign Minister Ibrahim Rahimpur highly commended the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan on declaring 2017 the “Year of Islamic Solidarity” in Azerbaijan as a wise decision.

At the meeting, views were also exchanged on the regional and global issues of mutual interest.

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