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Press release 29 May 2014

Statement by Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov at the 17th Mid-Term Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement under the theme “Strengthening solidarity for peace and prosperity”

Statement by Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov at the 17th Mid-Term Ministerial Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement under the theme “Strengthening solidarity for peace and prosperity”

Algeria, May 28, 2014

Mr. Chairman,



Ladies and Gentlemen

I am honored to deliver the opening statement on behalf of the European Group.

At the outset, I would like to thank the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria and particularly His Excellency Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Algeria, for hospitality and wish every success in convening the Ministerial Meeting.

We believe that the meeting will be a great step forward in our common endeavor of building a world of justice, prosperity, peace and security based on international norms and principles. To that end, the European Group is going to make contributions to the work of the meeting.

We are confident that our meeting here and the Final Document which we will adopt at its conclusion reflect quite a comprehensive agenda in support of the principles and purposes of the Movement. There is no doubt that aftermath it is going to be implemented in the spirit of solidarity by the Member-states.

The European Group will continue actively interact within the Movement towards broadening and deepening political consultations and practical cooperation in support of the principles and purposes of NAM which we are sure that can do much to enhance international peace and security throughout the world.

Thank you.

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