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Press release 14 September 2017

No:243/17, Speech by Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the conference titled “25 years of Vietnam-Azerbaijan relations: achievements and future perspectives”

Speech by H. E. Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov,

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan

at the conference titled “25 years of Vietnam-Azerbaijan relations:

achievements and future perspectives”

Hanoi, September 13, 2017


Honourable H. E. Mr Bui Thanh Son, Member of the Party Central Committee, first deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam!


Ladies and Gentlemen!

On September 23, 2017 we will celebrate 25th Anniversary of establishing diplomatic relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Socialist Republic of Vietnam. It makes me proud to call our relations historical as the collaboration and friendship between our Nations started long before restoration of Azerbaijan’s independence. National leader of Azerbaijani people Heydar Aliyev and President Ho Chi Minh are founders of these strong relations. The visit of the first President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam Ho Chi Minh to Azerbaijan in 1959, and the visit of the National leader and founder of the modern Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev to Vietnam in 1983 laid the foundation of friendly relations between our two people.

During his visit in 1959 President Ho Chi Minh asked Azerbaijan to help Vietnam in setting up oil production, provide education and create training opportunities for potential Vietnamese specialists. Azerbaijan responded to this appeal by sending thousands of Azerbaijani specialists to Vietnam where they participated in the reconstruction and development of post-war Vietnam. Thousands Vietnamese students were admitted to different schools and Universities in Azerbaijan.Those days symbolized beginning of warm, sincerely

and friednly relations between our nations that later on strengthened and were transformed into friendly and partnership cooperation in many areas. Thus, the historical linkage between our countries as well as essential role played by Vietnam in South-East Asia, made Vietnam a very important partner for Azerbaijan.

The establishment of the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Hanoi in 2013 was a clear indication of our intention to develop bilateral relations with Vietnam. Azerbaijan strongly hopes that Vietnam will consider opening its Embassy in Baku as we believe in effectiveness of joint diplomatic efforts in bringing our bilateral relations to a new high. Thus, the establishment of the Embassy of Vietnam in Baku will play important role from the point of view of the fast development of cooperation across the whole spectrum of relations.

It is with great pleasure I would like to acknowledge that relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam have been expanding and deepening in recent years with more dynamism in mutually beneficial way. It should be especially underlined the importance of mutual visits of the Presidents of the two countries, including the state visit of H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan to Vietnam on 18-19 May 2014, as well as official visit H.E. Mr. Truong Tang Sang, former President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to Azerbaijan on 13-15 of May 2015. Undoubtedly, these visits gave a strong impetus to the accelerated development of the mutually beneficial cooperation and identified areas for future expansion of these relations in various fields. Mutual contacts established within the framework of these visits, as well as various events in Baku and Hanoi, including meeting of H.E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev with the Vietnamese students who graduated from different Azerbaijani Universities, as well as

business forums enabled our leaders and the business communities of both countries get to know each other even closer.

In addition, it should be mentioned that close cooperation between the ruling parties of our two states, the New Azerbaijan Party and the Communist Party of Vietnam, had a great importance in advancing our relations. In April 2013, Memorandum of Cooperation between two parties was signed. The exchange of visits that were carried by the representatives of the parties each year is obvious manifestation of the active ongoing cooperation between the ruling parties and the importance given by them to the rapid development of mutual relations. There is no doubt that this cooperation is an additional contribution to the development of mutually beneficial relations between two countries.

Active inter-parliamentary cooperation between our countries also contribute to further strengthening of bilateral relations. In 2013, direct inter-parliamentary links between Parliaments of two countries and our parliamentarians were set when Friendship groups in the Parliaments of both countries were established. Surely, these Friendship groups play an imortant role in the expansion of inter-parliamentary relations.

It should be especially noted that there is a full mutual understanding on political issues among our countries, and thus political relations are at a high level. Mutually beneficial cooperation is being expanded in this direction. Unfortunately, the level of cooperation in the economic sphere does not meet the big potential of our countries. In this regard, both parties have the intention to activate the economic cooperation.It should be underlined the creation of the Intergovernmental Commission on Economic, Trade, Scientific and Technical Cooperation. Establishment of Commission is an important step aimed at the development of bilateral relations and of course its first successful meeting in

January 16, 2017 opened new opportunities for further enhancing bilateral cooperation.

At the same time relations in humanitarian fields are being developed. In this regard the establishment in Hanoi of Azerbaijan-Vietnam Friendship Association, as well as Center for Azerbaijani Culture and History Studies plays an important role in cultural exchange and people-to-people contacts. Underlining the importance of the developing of relations in humanitarian sphere I would like to emphasize the importance of the forthcoming II Friendship Forum in Vung Tau (September 21-23, 2017). The fact that Friendship Forum was established by the initiative of H. E. Mr. Ilham Aliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan is a clear indication of importance which pays the leadership of Azerbaijan to developing cooperation with Vietnamese partners in humanitarian sphere.

I would like to take this opportunity to announce that for the services rendered to the development of friendship and cooperation between the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated September 11, 2017 Mrs. Nguyen Vu Ha Le, Director General of Department for External Affairs of the Office of the President of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and Mr. Nghiem Vu Khai, Chairman of Vietnam – Azerbaijan Friendship Association, Member of National Assembly of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam have been awarded with a medal of “Taraggi” ("Progress Medal"). Congratulations Mrs. Nguyen Vu Ha Le and Mr. Nghiem Vu Khai, thank you for hard work on bringing our nations closer.

Since the restoration of independence, the Republic of Azerbaijan has achieved numerous successes in different fields such as energy and industry, information

technologies, agriculture, healthcare, education, culture etc. Huge energy, transport and infrastructure projects have been implemented. As a result of successful foreign and domestic policy pursued under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, the Republic of Azerbaijan has become a leader state of the South Caucasus region.

The major problem that Azerbaijan has been facing since the independence is ongoing occupation of 20% of its territories by the neighboring Armenia. As a result of this occupation more than one million Azerbaijanis became refugees and internally displaced persons.

Unfortunately, no substantive progress has been achieved in the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. Armenia continues illegal occupation of the internationally recognized territories of Azerbaijan, in the most brutal violation of international law, UN Charter and United Nations Security Council resolutions 822, 853, 874 and 884 adopted in 1993 which condemn Armenia for the occupation of Azerbaijani territories and demand immediate withdrawal from the occupied Azerbaijani territories. Armenia's engagement in the conflict settlement process is nothing but imitation.Nevertheless, Azerbaijan continues its efforts for the peaceful resolution of the conflict on the basis of the principles of the international law, such as territorial integrity and inviolability of internationally recognized borders and believes that authoritative international organisations, such as the UN, OSCE, European Union, Council of Europe, OIC as well as the whole international community, will enhance their efforts towards restraining the aggressor and finding fair settlement of the conflict.

The Republic of Azerbaijan is confident that the consistent measures taken at the national level, as well as the existing international legal framework, will

serve to bring to justice those responsible for the grave crimes committed in the course of Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan.

The Republic of Azerbaijan urges the international community to condemn Armenia for blatant violation of international law and insists on the implementation of the afore mentioned UN Security Council resolutions. The conflict can only be resolved on the basis of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders. The Republic of Azerbaijan will spare no effort towards achieving the political settlement of the conflict and ensuring peace and justice in the region.

Despite on existing conflict and more than 1 million refugees and internally displaced persons Azerbaijan keeping going forward, developing the economy, building new infrastructure, strengthening its army, increasing its role in international affairs.

I am very pleased to notice that friendly relationship between the two countries have been constantly consolidating, developing and offering numerous opportunities to expand cooperation within the framework of the international organizations, including United Nations and Non-Aligned Movement. As it is known in accordance with the Final Document of the 17th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement held in the Island of Margarita, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela on 13 - 18 September 2016, XVIII Summit of the Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned Movement will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan in 2019. Thus with 2019 XVIII Summit, Azerbaijan will bring back Non-Aligned Movement to Europe after 30 years since Belgrade Summit of 1989.

Honourable H. E. Mr Bui Thanh Son, Member of the Party Central Committee, first deputy minister of foreign affairs of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam!

Your Excellencies!

Ladies and Gentlemen!

Relying on a strong foundation and rich history of existing relations between our states I believe that the effective implementation of the achieved results will create a strong momentum to further development based on the national interests of two states.

Let me wish the conference success and express my firm belief that this event will leave an important imprint in the history of bilateral relations.

Thank you for kind attention!

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