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Press release 29 September 2018

No:242/18, Statement by H.E. Mr. Elmar Mammadyarov, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan at the Annual Coordination Meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Member States

28 September 2018, New York

Mr. Chairman,

Mr. Secretary General,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, and the OIC Secretary General for organizing this meeting. I also use this opportunity to express our gratitude to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh for successful hosting of the 45th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers and for the excellent leadership of the OIC Group in New York.

We express our profound satisfaction that after over 4 decades of its establishment, the OIC as the overarching multilateral body of the Muslim world, has continued to raise its profile and visibility at the international level and has become a strategic dialogue partner in the maintenance of international peace and security, as well as in countering emerging challenges and threats.

OIC is an important partner of the United Nations in promoting global peace and security and post-conflict reconstruction, fostering a culture of peace and enhancing cooperation in humanitarian, human rights, social, economic and cultural fields.

Azerbaijan fully supports the proposal for an enhanced observer status of OIC in the UN General Assembly, consistent with Dhaka Declaration of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers approved earlier this year. In this regard, we look forward to the earliest finalization of discussions on this matter, with the subsequent adoption of the relevant resolution by the General Assembly.

We are seriously concerned that in recent years, the world has seen number of forced displacements hitting a record high as a result of conflicts and violence. This major increase in displacement around the world must be properly and extensively addressed by international community both to restore the rights of those millions of people that have fled from violence and to prevent further upsurge in number of displaced persons. Massive forceful displacement must be deeply worrying for OIC, as all the leading refugee hosting countries happen to be OIC Member States.

Against this background, we are very much concerned about the continued displacement of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya civilians to neighboring Bangladesh which according to the latest reports reached to a number exceeding 700 thousands. Having experienced hardships of hosting hundreds of thousands of people fleeing from aggression of Armenia, Azerbaijan acknowledges the challenges faced by refugee and IDP hosting countries. We express our hope that the rights of Rohingya Muslims to return to their native places in safety and dignity will be realized soon. 

We are pleased to see the growing international support for the State of Palestine. I would like to reaffirm Azerbaijan’s full support to the brotherly people of Palestine in their struggle for achieving peace, stability and sustainable development. Azerbaijan consistently stands for the two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with East Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Palestine.


Mr. Chairman,

On its behalf, Azerbaijan has always tried to make its contribution to the promotion and fostering of multicultural and interfaith dialogue. All ethnic and religious groups live in Azerbaijan in peace and harmony. We have hosted numerous events aimed at creating a better understanding among representatives of various religions, nationalities, and civilizations. Creating a society with no discrimination based on cultural and religious differences is possible and Azerbaijan is a vivid example of this.

The Baku Process, initiated by Azerbaijan in 2008 and implemented under the patronage of its leadership, has significantly contributed to strengthening dialogue, partnership and cooperation between the Muslim world and Europe. This year marks the 10th anniversary of this initiative and a series of events will be organized on this occasion, including the high-level 6th Humanitarian Forum on 25-26 October 2018 in Baku.

Distinguished Colleagues and Dear Brothers,

Unresolved armed conflicts, existing and emerging security challenges and related humanitarian crisis threaten to reverse the development progress attained by us in the implementation of 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development. The ongoing armed aggression by Armenia against Azerbaijan still represents a major threat to international and regional peace and security and to the prospects for development of our region. 

On behalf of my Government and people of Azerbaijan I would like to express profound gratitude to our noble Organization and its Member States for full support to the just position of my country with regard to the aggression of the Republic of Armenia against my country.

We welcome the report of the meeting of the OIC Contact Group on the aggression of the Republic of Armenia against Republic of Azerbaijan, which was held here in the UN headquarters on September 24, 2018.

Dear colleagues,

Inspired by its achievements in economic development, successful social policy, rich human capital and traditional values of multiculturalism Azerbaijan decided to put forward the nomination of its capital city Baku for hosting World EXPO 2025. Baku is the only candidate from OIC Member States for hosting EXPO. Availing myself of this opportunity I would like to kindly ask you to extend your support to the candidacy of Azerbaijan.

Thank you.

Assalami alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh!

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