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Press release 23 March 2019

No:090/19, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met his counterpart from Uruguay

Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay Rodolfo Nin Novoa and held discussions on wide range of issues of bilateral relations.

At the meeting successful development of bilateral relations was appreciated and intention of further developping the cooperation was expressed. The importance of considering the existing opportunities for wide cooperation in economic, agriculture, energy, transport, education, culture and tourism spheres and taking concrete steps in this direction was highlighted.  Minister Mammadyarov noted that Azerbaijan was among 5 largest oil exporting countries to Uruguay last year, which is a vivid example of develeopment of trade relations between the two countries. Minister said that some states of Latin America get access to Asia by using the transit-transport infrastructure passing through the territory of Azerbaijan and stressed the possibility for Uruguay to use these opportunities.

At the meeting Minister Mammadyarov informed his counterpart on the current negotiation process of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and noted with satisfaction the position of Uruguay on the settelement of the conflict based on internationa law.

On his turn, minister Rodolfo Nin Novoa expressed the interest of his country in further deepening of relations with Azerbaijan. Realizing the sensitivity of the conflict issue for Azerbaijan, Minister Nin Novoa said that the current position of Uruguay based on international law and documents adopted by international organizations will remain unchanged.

Minister Mammadyarov noted the mutually beneficial cooperation between Azerbaijan and Uruguay within international organizations and pointed out that the positions of both sides over numerous issues of international agenda overlap. He expressed his hope on the participation of Uruguay at the highest level at the Summit meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement to be held in Baku on October of this year.

It was agreed at the meeting to evaluate the cooperation opportunities between the Azerbaijan International Development Agency (AIDA) and Uruguay International Cooperation Agency.

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