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Press release 15 May 2018

No:122/18, On letter by Neva Sadıkoğlu Novaky, Secretary General of Conservatives and Reformists Group, for non-inclusion his name into the “List of Foreign citizens illegally visited to occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”

Neva Sadıkoğlu Novaky, who illegally visited occupied territories, addressed an official letter to the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Kingdom of Belgium asking not to be included in the “List of Foreign citizens illegally visited to occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.

In her letter, N. Sadıkoğlu-Novaky notes that as a representative of the organization she paid a visit to Armenia where ACRE event took place in December 2017.

The letter states: “As part of the trip, a series of touristic activities were organized by the local partners of ACRE. On the day of the trip to the illegally occupied Azerbaijani territory of Nagorno- Kharabakh, I was misled by the nature of the trip. What I believed was a cultural trip turned out to be a trip violating international law and regrettably led to me being unwillingly taken to the illegally occupied Azerbaijani territory of Nagorno- Kharabakh. I deeply regret being misled by the local partners in Armenia and finding myself in a situation that jeopardizes my personal convictions on the illegal actions of Armenia”.

N. Sadıkoğlu-Novaky notes that, as a Turkish citizen who travels to Azerbaijan on an annual basis for family reasons and indeed as an individual whose personal convictions are aligned with the position of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the Nagorno-Kharabakh conflict, she would not willingly jeopardize her right to enter Azerbaijan.

She kindly asks to accept this letter as a formal apology and expressed her hope that this this would not affect her future visa requests to the Republic of Azerbaijan.

The appeal by N. Sadıkoğlu-Novaky was in a due manner considered and the decision was taken not to add her name into the“List of Foreign citizens illegally visited to occupied territories of the Republic of Azerbaijan”.
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