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Press release 06 April 2018

No:078/18, Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov met with Miroslav Lajčák, President of the General Assembly of the UN on the sidelines of the Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement

M. Lajčák recalled his visit to Azerbaijan in 2010 as a Foreign Minister of the Slovak Republic and shared his positive impressions on the visit. He praised the development of Azerbaijan in all spheres during past years, and expressed his satisfaction over visiting Azerbaijan again. 

M. Lajčák, also thanked to the Government of Azerbaijan for the high level hosting of the Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement. 

The sides exchanged views on Azerbaijan-UN relations and discussed prospects for further deepening of relations. E.Mammadyarov stressed Azerbaijan's contribution to the implementation of UN Charter goals and principles by participating in UN electoral bodies and spoke about Azerbaijan's election as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council and its activities during the presidency of the Security Council. He also expressed Azerbaijan’s interest in expanding cooperation with UN specialized agencies and other bodies.

M. Lajčák noted that the UN attaches great importance to relations with Azerbaijan and highly appreciates the efforts of Azerbaijan to deepen relations with the UN and hosting global scale of events organized at the initiative of the United Nations.

The sides also exchanged views on the latest status of the negotiation process on Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. E.Mammadyarov noted that although relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council on the conflict demand the withdrawal of occupying forces from all occupied territories of Azerbaijan, Armenia does not comply with those demands and continues occupation of Azerbaijani territories by using force.

The agenda of the UN General Assembly, the successful implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals by Azerbaijan and other issues of interest were discussed at the meeting.



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