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Press release 03 June 2017

No: 154/17, Joint Press Statement by Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Elmar Mammadyarov and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Republic of Costa Rica, Manuel A. González Sanz

Joint Press Statement by Foreign Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Elmar Mammadyarov and Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Republic of Costa Rica, Manuel A. González Sanz

02 June, 2017 San José

In the framework of the official visit to the Republic of Costa Rica, 1-2 June 2017, the Foreign Minister Elmar Mammadyarov had an audience of H.E. Mr. Luis Guillermo Solís, the President of the Republic of Costa Rica. 

Elmar Mammadyarov conveyed greetings and the best wishes of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, H.E Mr.Ilham Aliyev to President Luis Guillermo Solís. In his turn, President Luis Guillermo asked to deliver his most sincere wishes to President Ilham Aliyev.

Within the visit Foreign Ministers Manuel A. González Sanz and Elmar Mammadyarov had a meeting in an extended format and conducted political consultations in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding on Establishment of Mechanism of Political Consultations between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of the Republic of Costa Rica signed in New-York on September 16, 2002.

During the political consultations the Ministers reviewed the current status of bilateral relations and noting the 20th anniversary of establishment of diplomatic relations between Costa-Rica and Azerbaijan, expressed their satisfaction with the positive development of political dialogue and mutual understanding over two decades.

The Ministers noted the importance of mutual visits to foster the ties of friendship and cooperation between Costa Rica and Azerbaijan and in this regard, gladly recalled the official visit of Manuel A. González Sanz to the Republic of Azerbaijan on October 20, 2015. 

Minister Elmar Mammadyarov welcomed the decision of Costa Rica to establish an Embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Ministers recognized that exchanging of diplomatic missions in both countries surely brings an additional boost to strengthening of mutual cooperation.

Ministers reiterated their mutual respect and support to each other’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and inviolability of internationally recognized borders. They also emphasized inadmissibility of attempts to change the internationally recognized borders of states by use of force.

Manuel A. González Sanz stated that Costa Rica firmly supports the settlement Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict based on the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan within its internationally recognized borders in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations Security Council.

The Ministers emphasized the wide range of opportunities for mutually beneficial cooperation in the economic-trade, tourism, energy, logistics, ports and maritime, investment and humanitarian spheres. Cooperation between Diplomatic Academies, exchange of students and scholars through various disciplines was particularly highlighted.

The sides mentioned that the current trade turnover does not reflect the potential of two countries. In order to boost trade relations the Ministers agreed to encourage the direct contacts between the business communities of two countries. Furthermore, they touched upon the role of public diplomacy and cultural events to raise wider public awareness about Azerbaijan and Costa Rica in their respective societies. The conviction was shared that such efforts will also contribute to stimulating flow of tourists.

They also noted an effective role of parliamentary diplomacy in advancing bilateral cooperation and to this end agreed to initiate exchange of parliamentary delegations.

The sides also discussed the issues on the international agenda and welcomed commonality of vision of Azerbaijan and Costa Rica towards the global issues and commitment of both countries to strengthening a rules-based international order to maintain regional and global peace and security in accordance with the norms and principles of international law.

Recalling also their meetings on the sidelines of major international events, the Ministers commended the cooperation and consistent practice of mutual support within the international organizations.

The Ministers signed an Agreement on visa exemption of diplomatic, service and official passport holders.They also agreed to continue their efforts towards further strengthening the legal base between the two countries, particularly in economic and humanitarian spheres.

The Ministers agreed that the next round of political consultations to be held in Baku, Azerbaijan.

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