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MFA Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin mətbuat katibi Ayxan Hacızadənin 30 mart 2023-cü il tarixində Ermənistanın Baş naziri Nikol Paşinyanın hökumətin iclası zamanı səsləndirdiyi fikirlərlə bağlı medianın sualına cavabı ➡️
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun İsrail Dövlətinin Prezidenti İshak Hersoq ilə görüşünə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
During his official visit to 🇮🇱, FM of #Azerbaijan @Bayramov_Jeyhun was received by President of #Israel @Isaac_Herzog. Views on bilateral & multilateral cooperation in various fields, incl. security, economy, education, culture, innovations btw 🇦🇿-🇮🇱 were exchanged.
Ministers @Bayramov_Jeyhun and @elicoh1 had a meeting in an expanded format and discussed multifaceted cooperation between Azerbaijan and Israel 🇦🇿🇮🇱.
Nazir Ceyhun Bayramovun İsrail Dövlətinin Baş naziri Binyamin Netanyahu tərəfindən qəbul edilməsinə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
Happening now: Tête-à-tête meeting has started between the Foreign Ministers of Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 and Israel 🇮🇱 @IsraelMFA
Happening now: @EliCoh1, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel welcomes @Bayramov_Jeyhun, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of #Azerbaijan within the latter's offical visit to Israel 🇮🇱.
Response of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aykhan Hajizada to the question on the statement of the head of the European Union Mission in Armenia Markus Ritter ⬇️⬇️⬇️
On the sidelines of his official visit to #Israel, Foreign Minister of #Azerbaijan @Bayramov_Jeyhun was received by Prime Minister of 🇮🇱 @Netanyahu. During the meeting, exchange of views on bilateral & multilateral cooperation btw 🇦🇿-🇮🇱 & situation in region took place.
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun İsrail Dövlətinin müdafiə naziri Yoav Qallant ilə görüşünə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of #Azerbaijan @Bayramov_Jeyhun met with Minister of Defense of the State of #Israel @YoavGallant in the margins of the former's visit to 🇮🇱 & discussed prospects of strengthening & deepening security & defense cooperation btw 🇦🇿-🇮🇱.
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun Yad Vaşem memorial kompleksini ziyarətinə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
Within his official visit to 🇮🇱, FM @Bayramov_Jeyhun visited @YadVashem & laid a wreath at Monument dedicated to victims of #Holocaust, the most heinous genocide of our time. We remember & stand together against genocide, crimes against humanity & racism. #NeverAgain
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun İsrail Dövlətinin xarici işlər naziri Eli Kohen ilə görüşünə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
At the Joint Press Conference @Bayramov_Jeyhun, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of #Azerbaijan & @EliCoh1, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Israel delivered the statements. @IsraelMFA
Jeyhun Bayramov
Delighted to meet with Foreign Minister @jmalbares @SpainMFA & discuss 🇦🇿-🇪🇸 bilateral cooperation. I look forward to further strengthening our countries’ longstanding cooperation in various fields.
Had a farewell meeting w/ Ambassador of #France to #Azerbaijan @GrossZacharie. We had a frank exchange over the bilateral 🇦🇿🇫🇷 agenda & perspectives of relations. Appreciate Ambassador’s efforts in developing bilateral ties & wishing him all the best in his future endeavors.
Was pleased to meet @UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Cultural Diplomacy Hedva Ser. We had an interesting exchange on the importance of cultural diplomacy in foreign policy. Wishing @SerHedva all the best in her activity to achieve #peace btw peoples & understanding btw nations.
Today is #InternationalDayoftheDisappeared. Almost 3 decades, fate of 3.890 #Azerbaijanis, who went missing as a result of aggression by #Armenia, is unknown. #OTD, we urge international pressure on Armenia to fulfill obligations under int. law. #DontForgetMissingAzerbaijanis
Qardaş Türkiyəni 30 Avqust #ZaferBayramı|nın 100-cü ildönümü münasibətilə ürəkdən təbrik edir və Türkiyənin müstəqilliyinin hər zaman möhkəm və sarsılmaz olmasını diləyirik. #ZaferinKutluOlsun, qardaş #Türkiye! #BirMillətİkiDövlət 🇦🇿🇹🇷
Congratulations to all Azerbaijanis on return of the city of #Lachin, Zabukh & Sus villages! Lachin is now under control of #Azerbaijan &residents of the city, forcefully expelled since 1992 will return to their homes. Certainly the city will revive as other liberated lands of🇦🇿.
Pleased to receive a delegation led by Suh Byung-soo, the Special Representative of the President of the Republic of #Korea. We discussed perspectives of further strengthening mutually benefitial 🇦🇿🇰🇷 relations in various areas. @MOFAkr_eng
Had a fruitful exchange with Foreign Minister of brotherly #Türkiye @MevlutCavusoglu over the phone. We discussed current regional situation, issues of the 🇦🇿🇹🇷 strategic alliance, plans related to @Turkic_States, & further expanding cooperation within multilateral platforms.
Mutually beneficial cooperation between #Azerbaijan 🇦🇿 & #Algeria 🇩🇿 both at bilateral and multilateral formats, perspectives of relationships & regional issues were discussed w/ Minister of Foreign Affairs & National Community Abroad, special envoy of the President @Lamamra_dz.
Delighted to deliver a speech at the 13th Ambassadors Conference in #Ankara #BKONXIII. #Azerbaijan & #Türkiye, as allies, will continue to contribute to the establishment of peace, security, and prosperity in the global arena as reliable and proactive actors 🇦🇿🇹🇷 @MFATurkiye
Thankful to colleague from #Georgia @iliadarch for expressing solidarity and support over phone conversation on the unprecedented attack by radicals to the Embassy of #Azerbaijan in London.
Had a phone conversation with FM @MevlutCavusoglu of brotherly #Türkiye. I thank Minister for the strong support, and condemnation of the violent attack of radical religious groups against the @AzerbaijaninUK. 🇦🇿 🇹🇷
Today I received the copy of the credentials of newly appointed Ambassador of brotherly #Turkmenistan to #Azerbaijan Gurbanmammet Elyasov. I am confident that the 🇦🇿-🇹🇲 strategic partnership will continue to develop and serve the prosperity of our nations and countries.
Just spoke with @ToivoKlaar, #EU Special Rep. for the South Caucasus. Discussed latest escalation of tensions as a result of provocations by 🇦🇲. Stressed the importance of full implementation of Trilateral Statements, esp. full withdrawal of #Armenian mil. detachments from 🇦🇿.
Participating at the 1st Trilateral Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Trade/Economy & Transport of #Azerbaijan, #Türkiye, #Uzbekistan in Tashkent with colleagues @MikayilJabbarov & @RashadNNabiyev. Identifying further ways to reinforce 🇦🇿🇹🇷🇺🇿 brotherhood & partnership.

COVID-19 pandemiyası ilə əlaqədar XİN-nin nəzdində yaradılmış Operativ Qərargah
Azərbaycan Respublikasının Xarici ölkələrdəki Səfirlik və Baş konsulluqlarının qaynar xəttləri
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