Sosial Media Lenti

MFA Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Commentary by Aykhan Hajizada, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the allegations made by Nasser Kanaani, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran dated March 31 ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun Fələstin Dövlətinin Prezidenti Mahmud Abbas ilə görüşünə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyinin mətbuat katibi Ayxan Hacızadənin 31 mart tarixində İranın Xarici İşlər Nazirliyin mətbuat katibi Nasir Kənani tərəfindən səslənmiş iddialara dair şərhi ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Azərbaycan Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyi ilə Çex Respublikası Xarici İşlər Nazirliyi arasında növbəti siyasi məsləhətləşmələrə dair mətbuat məlumatı ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Significant milestone in the history of #Azerbaijan-#Israel diplomatic relations - Inauguration ceremony of @AzEmbTelAviv with participation of @Bayramov_Jeyhun, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan & @elicoh1, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel took place in Tel Aviv🇦🇿🇮🇱
Response of the Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Aykhan Hajizada to the media's question regarding the views expressed by the Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan during the government meeting on March 30, 2023 ➡️
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun Yasir Ərafatın ev muzeyinə ziyarətinə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
Foreign Minister of the Republic of #Azerbaijan @Bayramov_Jeyhun visited Yasser Arafat Museum in the margins of his official visit to 🇵🇸 & got acquainted w/exhibitions reflecting national movement of 🇵🇸 through legacy of Yasser Arafat, historic leader of the Palestinian people.
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun Fələstin Dövlətinin Baş naziri Mohammed Ştayyeh ilə görüşünə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
Minister of Foreign Affairs of #Azerbaijan @Bayramov_Jeyhun met w/Prime Minister of #Palestine @DrShtayyeh in the margins of the former's official visit to 🇵🇸. The sides exchanged views on bilateral & multilateral relations between 🇦🇿-🇵🇸, regional & international situation.
Xarici işlər naziri Ceyhun Bayramovun Fələstin Dövlətinin xarici işlər və xaricdə yaşayan fələstinlilər üzrə naziri Riyad Əl-Maliki ilə görüşünə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
At the Joint Press Conference @Bayramov_Jeyhun, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of #Azerbaijan & Riyad al-Maliki, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of Palestine delivered statements @PMoFA.
Foreign Ministers @Bayramov_Jeyhun & Riyad al-Maliki had a meeting in an expanded format & exchanged views on the bilateral & multilateral cooperation agenda between 🇦🇿-🇵🇸.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the State of #Palestine Riyad al-Maliki welcomes @Bayramov_Jeyhun, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of #Azerbaijan @PMoFA within the latter's offical visit to Palestine 🇵🇸.
Azərbaycan Respublikasının İsrail Dövlətindəki Səfirliyinin açılış mərasiminə dair mətbuat məlumatı ➡️
Jeyhun Bayramov
A pleasure to meet with Foreign Minister @Haavisto of Finland in New York #UNGA77. During the meeting I briefed my counterpart about the latest provocations of Armenia against Azerbaijan, and expressed Azerbaijan’s strong commitment towards the peace. @Ulkoministerio
Was delighted to meet with @UN Secretary-General @antonioguterres. We discussed further deepening of multiple areas of #Azerbaijan-#UN cooperation. I briefed Secretary-General about the latest regional situation as a result of Armenian provocations.
Spoke to @melaniejoly FM of Canada. We discussed latest regional situation. I informed the Minister about the history of #Armenia’s aggression against #Azerbaijan & reiterated the importance of building interstate relations based on sovereignty & territorial integrity of states.
Had a phone call with 🇬🇧@LeoDochertyUK Minister of State for Europe @FCDOGovUK. Informed about the latest escalation as a result of #Armenian provocations. We emphasized the importance of continuation of normalization process to establish stability and peace in the region.
15 sentyabr tarixində 🇦🇿🇹🇷 #Azərbaycan-#Türkiye qardaşlığının parlaq nümunələrindən biri olan Qafqaz İslam Ordusunun #Bakı|nı bolşevik-daşnak işğalından azad etməsindən 104 il ötür. Bu tarixi gündə Şəhidlərimizi hörmət və minnətdarlıqla yad edirik. #BirMillətİkiDövlət
Spoke to A/S @StateEUR @KDonfried on continuing provocations and attacks by #Armenia against #Azerbaijan. Reiterated Azerbaijan’s readiness for reciprocal adherence to ceasefire, and stressed the importance of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.
Had a meeting w/Senior Advisor of the US @StateDept for Caucasus Negotiations Philip Reeker. We discussed latest escalation in the region & possible steps for the return to normalization process.Highlighted the necessity of strict adherence to int. law & commitments by Armenia.
Received @ToivoKlaar, #EU Special Representative for the South Caucasus. We discussed latest large-scale military provocations by Armenia and possible steps to stabilize the situation. Importance of ceasefire and normalization process btw #Azerbaijan & #Armenia was emphasized.
In a phone call w/ Foreign Minister of #Iran @Amirabdolahian informed about large-scale military provocations by Armenia on the border, which undermine ongoing normalization process btw #Azerbaijan & #Armenia. Highlighted the importance of strict adherence to international law.
Had a phone call with Foreign Minister of brotherly #Türkiye @MevlutCavusoglu. Informed about recent large-scale military provocations by #Armenia. The importance of implementation of undertaken obligations and stopping aggression by #Armenia was emphasized.
Ermənistan silahlı qüvvələrinin genişmiqyaslı təxribatları nəticəsində Azərbaycanın ərazi bütövlüyü uğrunda qəhrəmancasına şəhid olmuş hərbçilərimizə Allahdan rəhmət diləyir, ailələrinə və yaxınlarına dərin hüznlə başsağlığı veririk. Allah rəhmət eləsin!
Delighted to meet with the President of the Congress of Deputies of #Spain @meritxell_batet. Important areas of 🇦🇿-🇪🇸cooperation was discussed, and mutual interest for expanding ties between Parliaments of both countries was emphasized. @Congreso_Es
Pleased to meet with @Ander_Gil, the President of the Senate of Spain, during the official visit to #Spain. Strengthening inter-parliamentary cooperation is crucial for longstanding 🇦🇿-🇪🇸 bilateral relations. @Senadoesp
It was a great pleasure to meet with the Secretary-General of the #UNWTO @pololikashvili. Deepening cooperation to advance tourism sector in #Azerbaijan, implementation of future joint projects with the organisation was discussed during the meeting.
Happy to meet with @MarotoReyes @mincoturgob. Great perspectives of economic, trade and tourism cooperation between #Azerbaijan and #Spain have been emphasized during the meeting.

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Azərbaycan Respublikasının Xarici ölkələrdəki Səfirlik və Baş konsulluqlarının qaynar xəttləri
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